How have we developed FilingBox?

Image of Filingbox code - How have we developed FilingBox?

We have been developing a file-server-based document management solution since 2006. Existing EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) are usually difficult to use and have user interfaces. They normally ask the user to type in their information into a web-based form, which makes it difficult for users to register new files to the EDMS. Also, sharing […]

Is there a better solution than backing up to prevent Ransomware attacks?

Image of Hard Drive - FilingBox

“Backup is designed for a device malfunction, not only for the data protection.“ In the beginning, backing up is designed for saving data in-case that specific device breaks down. Technologically, a recent ransomware attack is not an attack on the device, it is an attack on the data only. So, backing up is not a […]

How does FilingBox completely prevent ransomware?

Image of a padlock securing data.

“It’s similar to storing files on the CD-ROM.” – John Woo FilingBox is a kind of file server which provides a network drive to PCs and Servers. One thing that’s different, however, compared to existing file servers, is FilingBox does not trust PCs and Servers after providing network drives. It assumes that PCs and servers […]